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NASDAQ100 stock screener for bearish trend - python, yfinance


to screen stockers that have bearish trend



- bearish trend: The stock's short-term simple moving average (SMA) is less than its medium-term SMA and its medium-term SMA is less than its long-term SMA.

- simple moving average: an average of close price for a given window.

- short-term SMA: SMA for 5 trading days (1 week)

- medium-term SMA: SMA for 20 trading days (1 month)

- long-term SMA: SMA for 60 trading days (3 month)



Stocks that have a bearish trend have 80% possibility of going down



Buying a short for a stock that has a bearish trend


Getting Simple Moving Averages for Each Ticker:

    data = yf.download(ticker, period=period)

    short_window = 5   # Short-term SMA (e.g., 20 days)
    medium_window = 20  # Medium-term SMA (e.g., 60 days)
    long_window = 60   # Long-term SMA (e.g., 200 days)

    Close = 'Close'
    SMA_short = data[Close].tail(short_window).mean().item()
    SMA_medium = data[Close].tail(medium_window).mean().item()
    SMA_long = data[Close].tail(long_window).mean().item()

explanation: tail is used to calculate SMA for the last trading day only


Checking Whether Bearish or Not:

    condition_one = SMA_short < SMA_medium
    condition_two = SMA_medium < SMA_long

    is_bearish = condition_one and condition_two
    # append if bearish
    if is_bearish:


Printing the result:

bearish_tickers = quotes[bearish]
for i in range(0, len(bearish_tickers), 5):
    # Join the next five tickers into a string
    line = ", ".join(bearish_tickers[i:i + 5])




Full code:

import pandas as pd
import json

nasdaq100_tickers = pd.read_html('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasdaq-100#Components')[4]['Symbol']
#nasdaq100_tickers = nasdaq100_tickers[0:10]

bearish = "bearish"

quotes = {}
quotes[bearish] = []

period = "6mo"
for idx, ticker in enumerate(nasdaq100_tickers):
    remaining = len(nasdaq100_tickers) - idx - 1
    print(f"checking quote {idx + 1}. remainding = {remaining}")

    data = yf.download(ticker, period=period)

    short_window = 5   # Short-term SMA (e.g., 20 days)
    medium_window = 20  # Medium-term SMA (e.g., 60 days)
    long_window = 60   # Long-term SMA (e.g., 200 days)

    Close = 'Close'
    SMA_short = data[Close].tail(short_window).mean().item()
    SMA_medium = data[Close].tail(medium_window).mean().item()
    SMA_long = data[Close].tail(long_window).mean().item()

    condition_one = SMA_short < SMA_medium
    condition_two = SMA_medium < SMA_long

    is_bearish = condition_one and condition_two
    if is_bearish:

  except Exception as e:
    print(f"Exception: {e}")

print(f"total {len(quotes[bearish])} quotes found")

bearish_tickers = quotes[bearish]
for i in range(0, len(bearish_tickers), 5):
    # Join the next five tickers into a string
    line = ", ".join(bearish_tickers[i:i + 5])